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Securing Transportation Systems (2015, Hardcover) by ebook DOC, FB2


Addresses a variety of challenges and solutions within the transportation security sphere in order to protect our transportation systems Provides innovative solutions to improved communication and creating joint operations centers to manage response to threats Details technological measures to protect our transportation infrastructure, and explains their feasibility and economic costs Discusses changes in travel behavior as a response to terrorism and natural disaster Explains the role of transportation systems in supporting response operations in large disasters Written with a worldwide scope, Addresses problems and offers solutions in securing transportation systems, improves efficiency and provides market orientation that yield technological and managerial innovations, Transportation systems are essential for economic vitality, growth, and well-being of any region. These systems are vulnerable to both terrorist attacks and natural disasters that could lead to immediate and long-term catastrophic consequences. Securing Transportation Systems focuses on what the weaknesses are and how to protect airports, water ports, highways, tunnels, bridges, rail and mass transit. A major effort is made to explain why. government should not carry the major responsibility of securing transportation systems, how to shed non-public responsibilities and contract out others. The invited chapters are categorized into three sections. The first section explains religious motivation for terrorist attacks against mass transit, describing radiological, cyber, and nuclear threats and presents prevention challenges. The second section describes and evaluates the security of the various modes of transportation. The final section deals with evacuation problems and solutions when disasters occur. Planning for prevention, response, and recovery of transportation infrastructures are a major consideration of policy makers and professionals in homeland security. Securing Transportation Systems is a valuable resource for them. Book jacket., In recent years, powerful separation techniques, ultrasensitive spectrometry and high-performance computing, to name a few, have made possible the designing of materials with properties that promises a solution to central problems like global warming and inevitable shortages of classical energy sources. The famous query by Richard Feynman, "What would the properties of materials be if we could really arrange the atoms (molecules) the way we want them?" heralds the voice and goal of Tailored Organic-Inorganic Materials. Moreover, Feynman wondered: "What could we do with layered structures with just the right layers?" Drawn from a symposium on Layered Materials presented at the International Union of Pure and AppliedChemistry (IUPAC) conference held in Puerto Rico, Tailored Organic-Inorganic Materials: - Presents a case for an often overlooked hybrid material: organic-clay materials - Explores the limitless ability to design new materials by layering clay materials within organic compounds - Offers assembly, properties, characterization, and current and potential applications to inspire the development of novel materials - Coincides with the government's Materials Genome Initiative, to inspire the development of green, sustainable, robust materials that lead to efficient use of limited resources - Contains a thorough introductory and chemical foundation before delving into techniques, characterization, and properties of these materials - Discusses applications in biocatalysis, drug delivery, and energy storage and recovery Appropriate for materials scientists and engineers, organic and inorganic chemists at the graduate and research level, the chapters in this book provide details on the effect of functionalization and form of the phosphonic acids in the final outcome of the hybrid. It will provide chemists the firm tools and knowledge to create new interesting substances by the recreation of the laminar materials in Nature, i.e. the clay family of minerals., This book focuses on how to protect our transportation systemsincluding airports and airlines, water ports, highways, tunnels andbridges, rail and mass transit, and how to better plan evacuationwhen severe disasters occur. These infrastructures may facevarious threats, namely biological, chemical, nuclear (dirtybombs), cyber, and natural disaster. The book presents the"State of the Art" efforts to improve technological and managerialsecurity measures against terrorism as well as during and afternatural disasters. It contains insights and recommendations from agroup of international recognized experts and provides guidelinesfor policy and public decision making including suggestions for ITcompanies for possible new products.

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