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Download - Integrated Approaches to Drug and Alcohol Problems : Action on Addiction (2016, Hardcover) in DOC, TXT


Integrated Approaches to Drug and Alcohol Problems: Action on Addiction provides a pathway through the field of addiction, giving a clear description of points along that path, from the beginning of problematic use of drugs and alcohol, to treatment, support, recovery and reintegration in society. The book illustrates the principle of integrated approaches to tackling the rise in problems with addiction. Practical applications of these approaches are demonstrated in the work of UK charity Action on Addiction, one organisation which has been influenced by, and contributed to, the research and practice of the authors. The interventions illustrated within Integrated Approaches to Drug and Alcohol Problems demonstrate how the findings of international research can be brought together to provide effective services for individuals, families and communities suffering from addiction-related problems. Some of the foremost internationally recognized addiction researchers, clinicians and trainers from the UK, USA and Canada have contributed chapters to this book. It will be of interest to all those working in the field of drug and alcohol addiction, including counsellors and therapists, as well as GPs, nurses and public health officers. Integrated Approaches to Drug and Alcohol Problems will also have general appeal to anyone studying Psychology and Mental Health courses at undergraduate or postgraduate level, plus those affected by addiction.

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Most drug-war narratives feel safely removed from our own lives; Saviano offers no such comfort.From Bali's fabled temples--with their elaborately carved statues and colorful painted panels--to the bustling village life surrounding them, this photographic journal provides a detailed look at a thriving culture that maintains its freshness and relevance in the modern world.DRR includes a range of norms and breaking these through an understanding of cultural will challenge established theoretical and empirical frameworks.Covering topics ranging from the establishment of the Gulf Coast shrimping industry in 1800s to the Korean taco truck craze in the present day, this book explores the widespread contributions of Asian Americans to U.S.She introduces us to her research strategy and the history, structure, and culture ofWarcraft; argues for applying activity theory and theories of aesthetic experience to the study of gaming and play; and educates us on issues of gender, culture, and addiction as part of the play experience.We've made it easier!In Honor Bound, social psychologist Ryan P.Timberg's reporting is essential reading for anyone who works in the world of culture, knows someone who does, or cares about the work creative artists produce., When artists and artisans can't make a living, the health of America's culture is at risk Change is no stranger to us in the twenty-first century.The book is illustrated throughout with hundreds of beautiful, specially commissioned colour photographs.The achievements of Australia's artists, sportspeople, entertainers, scientists, and businesspeople puts them on the global stage.In doing so, he illuminates the endless interplay in which cultural texts and practices are shaped by and act upon their social and political contexts.Into the Mainstream: Essays on Spanish American and Latino Literature and Culture is a direct outgrowth of Jorge Febles's involvement with the annual conference of the American Culture Association and the Popular Culture Association.With its alphabetically organized entries that cover a wide range of subjects from the word "conjure" to the dance style of "twerking," this book provides readers with a deeper comprehension of American culture through a greater understanding of the contributions of African American culture and black folk traditions.The intellectual context of 1970s American culture (protest, war, violence and corruption; an affluent and increasingly technological society; the proliferation of a global culture) and the historical impact of the decade on subsequent social and cultural developments will also be explored.The two core aims of this volume are to provide readers with an accessible but challenging exploration of American culture in the 1970s and to chart the changing complexion of American culture from the 1950s into the 1980s.Key Features:* Chronology of 1970s American Culture* Bibliographies for each chapter and a general bibliography on 1970s Culture* 3 case studies per chapter covering key texts and influential writers, artists, directors and musicians* interdisciplinary content - reflects the increasing prominence of interdisciplinary curricula in the Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesThis volume aims both to establish cinema as a vital force in Shanghai culture and to direct attention to early Chinese cinema, a crucial chapter in Chinese cultural history long neglected by Western scholars.In addition, historians, sociologists, and cultural analysts of the twentieth century will find it essential for understanding pleasure and recreation in twentieth-century British society., This collection of essays addresses research trends in the history of British leisure while also presenting a wide range of articles on cultural conflict and leisure in the twentieth century.It's all about effective communication.